Bipolar Manic Depression

By Fred Douglas

Though not everyone may realize it, bipolar mood disorder is a real condition. It is often also called bipolar manic depression since the disorder tends to cause swapping periods of mania and depression. It is a very serious sickness. Some people have a combo of bipolar schizophrenia, which is even more hard to govern and treat. There are two different variants of the bipolar disorder, leading to some different symptoms and the requirement for somewhat different treatments, though the 2 forms are similar in nature.

Bipolar treatments usually involve a mixture of medicine and psychotherapy. It's also crucial that folks with this condition discover what bipolar disorder symptoms they customarily get before they begin to have episodes in order that they can try and stop the episode with the correct treatment before it is getting full-blown. Different medications work the best for different people, so it could take some trial and error before the proper combination is determined for any one person. The different medicines each have their own side-effects, so it's a sensible idea to have a look at them so you can try those with the least potential complications first, and then move on to those with more possible side effects if the 1st ones don't work for you.

Generally bipolar treatments will require long term treatment since it isn't a chronic, relapsing sickness. The general public that suffer with this disorder need to be on medicine so as to forestall new episodes and stay symptom free. Medication alone won't fully control all symptoms , however , so that the most efficient treatment technique often involves a mixture of medicine, therapy, life changes and social support. Diagnosing bipolar disorder can sometimes be difficult, and that's why it's important to work with a trained psychiatrist.

Bipolar disorder is actually split into several different sub-types, and each one has a different pattern of bipolar disorder symptoms. If someone suffers from Biploar I disorder, the mood swings could cause significant problems in a job, relationship or college. Manic episodes can also be harsh and threatening. In Bipolar II disorder, you may experience and raised mood and some bad temper, but typically you can carry on with your standard, daily schedule. The exact symptoms can vary from individual to individual and this is the reason why treatment is aimed toward a specific person, and not just a'one size fits all'.

Usually bipolar treatments will need long-term treatment since it's not a persistent, relapsing sickness. Most people that suffer with this disorder need to be on medication in order to stop new episodes and stay symptom free. Medication alone will not completely control all symptoms , however , so that the most efficient treatment technique usually involves a mixture of medication, treatment, life changes and social support. Diagnosing bipolar disorder can often be tough, and that's why it's important to work with a trained psychiatrist.

So far, there seem to be one or two different factors involved in causing and causing either a manic episode or bipolar depression. A number of these factors include, the environment where stress or significant loss can perform a part in the disorder. It's also far more usually found in people who have a blood relative,eg a sibling or parent, with the disorder. And ultimately, people with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains and researchers believe that understanding these changes can help pin down the reasons for the disorder. - 31883

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Recognizing Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder

By Ken P Doyle

There are 5.7 million adults diagnosed of bipolar manic depressive disorder in the United States. Also, the 3.4 million American children and adolescents diagnosed of depression are highly likely to experience bipolar manic disorder symptoms or bipolar depression. The condition can reduce up to 9.2 years from your life span can also cause people to be suicidal or self-destructive behavior is stated by the National Health Institute of Mental Health. Hence, one of the leading causes of human disability is bipolar depressive or bipolar manic disorder. Bipolar is a psychiatric illness that causes unusual and sudden changes to mood, activity and energy levels, which may affect an individual's ability to carry out his day to day tasks. Going from feeling very sad, helpless and despaired, manic depression symptoms can cause him/her to shift to feeling euphoric happiness, being overly active and practically on top of the world, which has been known to severe relationships, affect job and school performance, or even cause suicide.


Symptoms of bipolar manic disorder include sleeplessness, high energy levels, having large plans for activities, restlessness, talkativeness and uneasiness. Symptoms of bipolar depression are low energy with negative feelings like hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, and appetite loss. A patient might have many of these symptoms daily. The symptoms typically happen throughout the late teenage or early grown up years. The majority of patients begin having the symptoms at approximately twenty five years old. According to statistics, females are 3X more likely to have bipolar episodes than males are. The NIMH additionally says that a family history of the disorder might make an individual's risk of having these symptoms higher.


The first step in diagnosis involves physical examinations, interview, lab tests like blood work and brain scans and evaluation of the patient's medical history. After a complete diagnostic evaluation, the doctor may provide referral to a trained mental health specialist such as a psychiatrist, who is more experienced in handling bipolar disorder. Proper and immediate diagnosis is extremely important in helping bipolar sufferers lead a normal life. It will also help provide the right kind of treatment that will reduce the frequency or severity of the symptoms.


To effectively prevent relapse and bipolar episodes, a combination of medication and psychotherapy is usually recommended. Among bipolar patients, Mood stabilizers (lithium, valproic acid, and anticonvulsants), atypical antipsychotic (olanzapine, aripiprazolw, quetiapine, risperidone) and antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed. These are usually prescribed by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Sleep medications or sedatives are recommended to patients having trouble sleeping in some cases. Support, guidance and education among bipolar patients as well as their families is provided by Psychotherapy or 'talk therapy'. Several approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy and psycho education are involved.

Word of Caution

Additional illnesses might coexist in addition to bipolar manic depressive disorder, resulting in it being much harder to treat and diagnose. Abusing substances might make symptoms of bipolar disorder last longer or trigger them and result in behavioral issues related to the disorder. Anxiety problems like post traumatic stress, ADD, and social fears might overlap with the disorder. Additionally, individuals dealing with this problem have a greater risk of getting thyroid problems, diabetes, migraines, and additional physical problems. Thus, getting expert assistance when having symptoms of these disorders is recommended. - 31883

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Say Bye To Depression, Live A Stress Free Life

By Thomas Abraham

Want to beat the winter blues? Want to eliminate stress? See & experience life yourself with a new & beautiful dimension to it.

Clinical depression goes by many names -depression, "the blues," biological depression, major depression. But it all refers to the same thing: feeling sad and depressed for weeks or months at a time, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, lack of energy, and taking little or no pleasure in things that gave you joy in the past.

Clinical depression is an awful disease. Depression turns its victims into shells of their former selves; depression patients are stripped of all the hope and joy and emotional vitality that make life worth living in the first place. The good news, though, is that depression treatment really does work, and that the right depression treatment center really can help you rediscover the world as you used to know it.

Yes, depression treatment centers are places of hope, and of healingbut they're also places of effort and of struggle, places where depression treatment patients get better only by virtue of the commitment they bring to the depression treatment process. There's no gentle way out of the depression wilderness. If you want to get better, you're going to have to work for it.

Depression matters, simply put, because depression victims matter. More to the point, depression treatment matters because depression treatment programs give depression treatment patients cause for hope, and for faith; depression treatment matters because it works, and because it saves lives. In the fight against depression, you'll never have a greater ally than a depression treatment center you can trust.

If you've made it this far, you don't have to be told how debilitating depression can be. What matters, now, is that you're ready to take the first step: that you're ready to enroll in a depression treatment program, and let depression treatment professionals help you get better. Please, for your own sake, make today the day you decide to start fixing tomorrow.

The right depression treatment center makes a world of difference in the depression treatment process. If you're going to get healed, you need depression treatment that meets your individual needs, and serves your individual interests; you need depression treatment that addresses you as you actually are, without resorting to generalities or supposedly "universal" treatment solutions. If you're going to win the fight against clinical depression, you might say, you're going to have to win it on your own terms, get started today. - 31883

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